Monday my sister-in-law and I went to get our hike and mounting run on the weather was so perfect! Ended up with a total of 1.95 miles and a 0.13 mile cool down walk. I was happy to feel so good after my long run on Saturday and love using my muscles differently!
Tuesday I headed to the running path to get my run in. It will be a 6 miler for me today to prep for the 10 mile long run Saturday. Finished the 6 miles in at a 10:22 pace, 1:02:12 overall and went on a 0.21 mile cool down walk. I legs and lungs are feeling great!! Time to go conquer the rest of the day!
Thursday I decided to go get my run on in the afternoon and coordinate it with my sister-in-law so we can get our Thursday run done too! I did the 2-mile loop and out and back to get 3.01 miles in at 10:09 pace, 30:36 overall and didn’t even have stop running because she arrived right before I was done with that part of my training run and we hit the trail and got a 1.01 miler in at 12:41 pace and followed it wit a 1.16 mile cool down walk. That long walk felt really good!!
Saturday morning I woke up feeling ready to get my 11-mile long run in and took a GU gel when I was a few minutes away! Went to the running path with the hills. I used another GU gel at 3.5 miles. In the middle of my long run I ended up in a competition 5k road race. Etiquette says if you are on a training run and go through the competition road race you wait to pass until you have a clear spot so that you don’t interfere with the competitors and when you pass anyone (walker, runner, bike rider), regardless whether it is a competition race or you are just running on a regular day you always say “passing on the left” or “passing on the right” so that you don’t startle them. This is basic road etiquette. I wanted to pass a competitor in front of me, however I had to wait to pass because there were too many people coming towards us and there wasn’t a slot open enough for a person. As soon as they passed by me, I announced “passing on the left” with plenty of time in order not to startle her and it took 20-30 seconds for me to get next to her (you speed up to your running pace when you pass, you don’t just race pass the person). More people were coming towards us but there was enough room for her and I side-by-side and them to pass in the opposite direction with no problem and all of a sudden, wham, some guy on a bicycle going the direction that I was ran into my left side and it shoved me over and in front of the competitor and he says “I am just trying to get by”. There was absolutely no reason he couldn’t slow down and wait for me to pass, so to assist him in learning road etiquette I shoved him with my shoulder as hard as I could and that sent him flying forward and it took him a good 10′ before he got his balance enough he didn’t fall over. As he was trying to catch himself from falling, I was kind enough to yell the road rules of etiquette. The incident did get me fired up for the rest of my run!! I used my GU gel at mile 7 and between the incident with the bicycler and the GU gel I got this last 4 miles! Finished the 11-miler at a 10:30 pace, 1:55:27 overall and went for a nice 0.25 mile cool down walk. My body and legs felt good today! I might be ready for this race after all!!